

by 乔迪•弗兰克

Weaving on a vintage multi-harness loom, master textile artist Cecilia Frittelli ’80 rattles off the characteristics of the various types of natural fibers she uses — including hemp, cotton, linen, silk, soy, bamboo, and alpaca wool — to create the contemporary textiles that have been her life’s work for 35 years. 
Frittelli and her husband, Richard Lockwood, operate a thriving clothing and accessory 弗里特利家的生意 & 洛克伍德的标签 纺织工作室位于萨拉托加斯普林斯市中心 比克曼街艺术区. At the studio, guests can see them at work and buy their handwoven wares, including scarves, wraps, bags, hats, neck ties, and shirts in a vibrant array of colors and 模式. Their textiles are also found across the country at trade shows, craft fairs, 可穿戴艺术画廊和服装精品店. 
Frittelli was first drawn to weaving as a middle school student engaged in a research project on Indonesia, when she saw a picture of a woman using a backstrap loom. 组成 of a few sticks and strings, the portable loom works through the tension of the weaver’s body. One of the oldest forms of weaving spanning millennia, it is still used in regions 世界各地. Frittelli, with her father’s help, made her own backstrap loom out 冰棒棒. 
“I used that loom a lot,” Frittelli says with a chuckle before pulling it out from 演播室的一角. 她补充说:“我把它放在工作室里,提醒自己 我卑微的出身.”

在火博体育,弗里特利的专业是 剧院 着眼于风景设计. 她还花了很多时间在编织工作室 旧校园里的格里菲斯大厅. 一位影响她艺术方向的教授 was fiber artist Eunice Pardon, who taught at Skidmore for 35 years. 
“她对艺术领域非常感兴趣. 让我大吃一惊的是,当她坐下来 the loom, she didn’t think about weaving a scarf or placemat. 这一直是人们的期望 that she was going to make an art piece to hang in a museum.” 
Frittelli began her career as a costume designer for off-Broadway shows in New York 在进入繁华的服装区之前. 在她遇到她丈夫之后 had worked as a teenager in the New England textile mills, the two started their business 作为兼职工作. When the textile factories upgraded their equipment and technology to remain competitive in a rapidly expanding global market, they acquired five Macomber looms, built in the 1970s and 1980s, that they still use today. 1990年,他们开始 up a full-time artisan studio in Crown Point in the Adirondacks before relocating 去萨拉托加斯普林斯. 
A passionate advocate for the arts, Frittelli has been a familiar face at Skidmore for years, offering her entrepreneurial expertise and mentorship to students across 校园. She has served on discussion panels for the Theater Department and as a judge 肯尼斯·A. Freirich Entrepreneurship Competition, and her textiles have been showcased in art exhibitions at the 唐氏教学博物馆 and Art Gallery. 
She has hosted field trips for classes taught by Michael Ennis-MacMillan, associate professor of anthropology, and Sang-Wook Lee, the Ella Van Dyke Tuthill '32 Chair in Studio Art, to enable students to experience her studio firsthand and to learn 更大的西区历史街区.

“Cecilia’s dedication to her craft and her willingness to share her knowledge have made a lasting impact on our students,” says Lee, who notes that Frittelli has also participated in critiques for his advanced fiber arts classes.


摩根·鲁高·帕尼奇,08年 weaves at Cecilia Frittelli's 纺织工作室.

摩根·鲁高·帕尼奇,08年, whose own story is woven from a rich tapestry of family heritage and artistic talent, was one of many Skidmore students who have interned 在纺织工作室. Growing up in a creative household, Panich was introduced to the arts by her mother, a graphic artist, and her great-great-aunts, who passed down 他们对编织、缝纫和绗缝的热爱.
“I had a small group of close fiber arts friends, and we pretty much lived in the “纤维艺术工作室,”Panich说. “周五晚上,你可以在那里找到我们 with music blaring, pizza on the table, good conversation, looms clacking, and so 空气中充满了创造力.”
Panich met Frittelli during a guest lecture in a fiber arts class. “我被迷住了。” Panich说. After college, she briefly moved to San Francisco before returning to the Saratoga area in 2010, when she began working for Frittelli as a key member of 工作室团队直到2014年. 她现在有了自己的网上纺织品商店, 针织内莉
“The one thing I miss most about my time at college, and also 在纺织工作室,” Panich说, “is the community — bouncing ideas off of each other, creating together.”


布伦丹+半圆+ % E2 % 9909的80%
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